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Peer Reviewed Articles

Published Articles


  1. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Mukul, S.A. Uddin, M.B., Harada, K. and Khan, M.A.S.A. (2014) Effects of stand characteristics on tree species richness in and around conservation area of northeast Bangladesh. Journal of Mounatin Science. Accepted on 24.12.2015 (
  2. Pavel, M.A.A. (2013) In: Rahman M.S.A., Baldauf, C., Mollee, E.M., Pavel, M.A.A., Mamun, M.A.A., Toy, M.M. and Sunderland, T. (2013) Cultivated plants in the diversified homegardens of local communities in Ganges Valley, Bangladesh. Science Journal of Agricultural Research and Management, Vol. 2013, Article ID sjarm-197, 6 Pages, 2013. (
  3. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Rahman, M.S.A., Foli, S., Pavel, M.A.A., Mamun, M.A.A. and Sunderland, T. (2015) Forest, trees and agroforestry: Better livelihoods and ecosystem services from multifunctional landscapes. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Vol. 4(4):479-491. (
  4. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Kawsar, M. H., Pavel, M.A.A. and Uddin, M.B. (2015) Quantifying recreational value and the functional relationship between travel cost and visiting national park. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 1 (3): 84-89.
  5. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Billah, M. A. S., Kawsar, M. H., Titu, A. P., Pavel, M. A. A., Masum, K. M. (2015) Effect of Pre-Sowing treatments on seed germination of Tectona grandis. International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 1 (1)37-42.(
  6. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Chowdhury, M.A. and Mamun, M.A.A. (2014) Economic evaluation of floating gardening as a means of adapting to climate change in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 71 (4): 1-9. (
  7. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Mamun, M.A.A. and Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) Climate change adaptation strategies through indigenous knowledge system: aspect on agro-crop production in the flood prone areas of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (AJARD), 4(1):1007-1023. (
  8. Pavel, M.A.A. (2013) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Khan, M.A.S.A., Rahman, M.S.A. and Mamun, M.A.A. (2013) Climate change adaptation strategy for the folk community: an approach to vegetable production in flood prone areas. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, Vol. 4(4):745-752.  (
  9. Pavel, M.A.A.(2014) In: Akan, M.M.R., Mamun, M.A.A., Naznin, T., Pavel, M.A.A., Yasmin, L. and Rahman, M.S.A. (2015) An ethnographic investigation on land and life of Santal community in Barind Tract, Bangladesh. American Journal of Social Science Research. Vol. 1(2):90-95. (

Submitted Articles


  1. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Islam, M.A., Pavel, M.A.A., Uddin, M.B., Rahman M.S.A., Mamun, M.A.A., Sunderland, T. and Harada, K. (2014) A tropical case study on tree diversity and productivity relationship of a mixed species plantations in the National Park. Journal of Mounatin Science. (
  2. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Islam, M. R., Islam,  M. N., Pavel, M.A.A.,  and Mamun, M.A.A., (2016) An evaluation of socioeconomic coping strategies of folk peoples in Char Shiva Deva area of Bangladesh. (
Proceedings of Conferences
  1. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Halder, S., Pavel, M.A.A., Uddin, M.B., Bala, S.K. and Harada, K. (2014) Role of green roof on temperature reduction and socio-economic development in a city, Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2014), Dec 26-28, Chittagang, Bangladesh. (Paper Published at 26th December, 2014).
  2. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Hasan, M.A., Paul, S., Islam, A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K., Billah, M., Fahad, G.R. and Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) Changes of rainfall in the future over Bangladesh simulated by a high resolution regional climate model considering the RCP scenarios. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2014), Dec 26-28, Chittagong, Bangladesh. (Paper Published at 26th December, 2014).
  3. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Rahman, M. M., Billah, M., Islam, A.S., Paul, S., Hasan, M.A., Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K. and Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) Application of 1D model towards establishing flow patterns for the southwest coastal regions of Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2014), Dec 26-28, Chittagang, Bangladesh. (Paper Published at 26th December, 2014).
  4. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Bala, S.K., Islam, A.S.,  Islam, G.M.T., Dhar, L.C.S., Hasan, M.A. and Paul, S. (2015) Barrier to climate change adaptation practices in Bangladesh. International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Feb 12-14, 2015, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh. (Abstract Accepted at 20th November, 2014).
  5. Pavel, M.A.A. (2015) In: Bala, S.K., Pavel, M.A.A., Islam, A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Hasan, M.A., Paul, S., Dhar, L.C.S., Rhaman, M.M. and Billah, M. (2015) A review of good adaptation practices on climate change in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2015), 6–8 March, 2015, IWFM, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Paper Published).
  6. Pavel, M.A.A. (2014) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Mukul, S.A., Uddin, M.B. and Harada, K. (2014) Effects of patch size and disturbances on tree species richness in a rain forest of Bangladesh. International Conference on Applied Statistics (ICAS 2014), Dec 27-29, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Abstract Accepted at 30th October, 2014).

Presentations in  Conferences


  1. Pavel, M.A.A. (2012) In: Pavel, M.A.A. and Khan, M.A.S.A. (2012) Climate change adaptation strategy for vegetable production in flood prone areas: an approach to assess financial suitability. National CBA Conference, CARE Bangladesh, Action Research for Community Adaptation in Bangladesh (ARCAB) and Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Science (FES), 18th March 2012, Venue: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.

  2. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) The effects stand characteristics on tree species richness in protected areas of Bangladesh, Xth Young Researchers Meeting on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems, Venue: Palencia & Valsaín (Spain), 25th-26th January 2016,  Sustainable Forest Management Research Institute (University of Valladolid-INIA).










Conference, Workshop and Seminar Attended


  1. Participated a Workshop on Research Methodology: Introduction “R”, Organized by Bangladesh Professional Forestry Student’s Association (BPFSA), Feb 12-14, 2009, Venue: Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  2. Participated a four day’s Workshop on “Basic photography”, Organized by Shahjalal University Photographer’s Association, April, 2011. Venue:  Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  3. National CBA Conference, 2012. Theme: Community Based Adaptation (CBA) to Climate Change, March 18, 2012, Venue: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  4.  Seminar, 2012. Theme: Green living “it's easy being Green”, Organized by Green Explore Society, 21st , June, 2012, Venue: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  5. International Conference, 2013. Theme: Advance Physics, Jan 3-5, 2013. Venue: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  6. International Conference, 2013, Theme: Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 11-13 January, 2013. Venue: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  7. HELIX-South Asia Stakeholder Workshop, August 13, 2014, Venue: IRD Conference Room, IIT Delhi, India.
  8. Stakeholder Workshop, Regional Focus: South Asia, August, 20, 2014, Venue: IAT Seminar Room, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  9. Seminar on Climate Change and the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, October 26, 2014, Center for Sustainable Development, ULAB, Dhaka.
  10.  Natinal Consultaion Workshop on A Roadmap for Developing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Bangladesh, Venue: CIRDAP International Conference Centre (CICC), Dhaka, October 29, 2014, Organized by MoEF, UNDP.
  11. Impact of Climate Change on WATSAN, Venue: Hotel Lake Breeze, Dhaka,  November 26, 2014, VSO Bangladesh.
  12. Young Research Workshop, Organized by Gobeshona, 7th January 2015, Venue: International Centre for Climate Change and Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  13. Seminar on Silviculture of Complex Forests, Organized by MEDfOR & iFOR, 4th&5th February 2015, Venue: University of Valladolid, Palencia, Spain.
  14.  Seminar on Insect ecology, Presenter: Prof. Myron P. Zalucki, University of Queensland, Australia,   Organized by DAFNAE - Entomologia, Uiversity of Padova, Italy.
Academic Research Experience
  1. Successfully completed a group research on “Conservation and ecotourism management plan for proposed Inani National Park and Ukhia Reserve Forest [Period: 2011-12 to 2021-22], Bangladesh.”
  2. Successfully completed my undergraduate project work on “Climate change adaptation strategies for vegetable production in the flood prone areas of Bangladesh.”
  3. MSc thesis work is conducted on “Diversity of tree species along a disturbance gradient in and around the Lawachara National Park of Bangladesh.”

Project proposal Experience


  1. Successfully submitted a pre-proposal titled “Climate change adaptation strategies for agro crop production on the flood prone areas of Bangladesh” focused on Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environmental Change, Oct. 31 2012, Research competition at the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE).
  2. Successfully submitted a pre-proposal titled “Diversity and richness of tree species along a disturbance gradient in the Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh” focus on IPAC/GIZ Youth Research Award 2012, February 20, 2013 at the USAID’s  Integrated  Protected  Area  Co-management  (IPAC)  Project  and  the  Environment & Climate Change Projects of GIZ Bangladesh.
  3. Successfully submitted a pre-proposal titled “Perception, valuation and management of household developed coping strategies in the coastal areas of Bangladesh” focus on Mangroves for the Future (MFF), Bangladesh Small Grants (2013-14).
Work in Progress Articles
  1. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Hossain M.A., Pavel, M.A.A., Uddin, M.B., and Harada, K. (2016) Stand characteristics and patterns of species distribution in forest ecosystem of Bangladesh.
  2. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Bedana, D., Pavel, M.A.A., and Mamun, M.A.A., (2016) Assessing the socio-economic viability of eco-friendly technology as an alternative energy source in folk Bangladesh.
  3. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Bedana, D., Pavel, M.A.A., and Mamun, M.A.A., (2016) Viability of Biogas Production and its Utilization in Rural Bangladesh.
  4. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Pavel, M.A.A. and Ali M., (2016) Co-management Practices for the Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh.
  5. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Pavel, M.A.A., Bala, S. K., A. K. M. S. Islam, Islam, G.M.T. (2016) Examining the adequacy of national adaptation programme of action under high end climate scenarios.
  6. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) A review of silviculture and silvicultural system problem in Bangladesh.
  7. Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) In: Pavel, M.A.A. (2016) Past and current position for timber and non-timber forest product international market and trade of Bangladesh.
  8. So on...
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