a bit about me:
​Muha Abdullah Al Pavel is a PhD research fellow in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies (Specialization: Forest Engineering) at the Forest Research Centre (CEF) of the School of Agriculture (ISA) at University of Lisbon (Portugal). His research focuses on Forest Biostatistics, Forest modeling, Empirical and process-based modeling, Simulation, Forest management under global change, Ecosystem services, Climate Change, and Conservation. Before, he holds a M.Sc. (Thesis) in Forestry from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Bangladesh), M.Sc. in Forest Science from University of Padova (Italy), and M.Sc. in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management from University of Valladolid (Spain). Prior, he served as a Research Assistant at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Further contacted pavel.sust_at_gmail.com / maapavel_at_isa.ulisboa.pt